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A good place to come and learn from and share with like-minded Pagans and Wiccans of all Traditions.

Wiccan Rede

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thought of the Day--Giving Up Blame

"Giving up blaming others for our unhappiness, our perceived failures, and our lives may leave us silent for a while. But the silence is worth it. It leads to clamoring awareness".


Lola Enchanted said...

Hello dear! So glad to see you back! I love the thought of the day! So many times I blame others for my unhappiness!!! I must stop that!! Your blog is so full of great info!!!!!~ Also, I've added you in my give~away!

Hope your enjoying your day!

Lola Enchanted said...

Hello again, I just did my giveaway and you WON!!!! I can't find an email address for you!!! I need your address for the tea bag!!!!! Congrats!

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Hi Lola. OMG!!! Are you serious?!? Thank you! My e-mail is:


Thanks again.

Caroline said...

Love your thought of the day! Giving up blame...good to keep in mind!

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