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Wiccan Rede

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Goddess Damara--Guiding Children

Today, the Goddess Damara comes to us with this message about guiding children.

Her message is this:

"You are good at helping, counseling, and healing children. use your skills to help children now".


This message is printed on the bottom of the Goddess Oracle tarot card.

More Goddess messages to come.

P.S. Sorry about not posting anything yesterday, 8/31/08. I was a little 'under-the-weather'.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Glad you are feeling better! I so needed to hear the message from the Goddess Damara...

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The present is embodied in Hexagram 51 - Chen (Shock): There is an intimation of ease and development. When the time of movement comes, the subject will be found looking out with apprehension, yet smiling and talking cheerfully. When the movement, like a crash of thunder, terrifies all within a hundred li, he will be like the sincere worshipper, who is not startled into letting go his ladle and cup of sacrificial spirits. More details...

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