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Wiccan Rede

Friday, September 19, 2008

Goddess Candle Colors

Although white alter candles alone can usually be used to invoke the female Deities, using a special candle of the appropriate sacred color when invoking a particular goddess will bring better results.The following alphabetical list contains the names, description and sacred candle color of most of the Goddesses worshiped by the various Craft traditions as well as many of the ancient Deities honored by different Pagan cultures throughout history.

Aditi: Hindu Sku-Goddess. Her sacred candle color is blue.

Amaterasu-O- Mi-Kami: Japanese Sun Goddess. Her sacred candle colors are yellow and gold.

Anaitis: Persian fertility-goddess. Her sacred candle color is green.

Anu: Celtic Mother-Goddess, Dawn Mother, and Goddess of death and the dead. Her sacred candle colors are white and black.

Aodh: Celtic Fire-Goddess. Her sacred candle color is red.

Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of love and beauty and one of the twelve great Olympians. She is also knows as Cytherea, and is identified with the Roman Love-Goddess Venus. Her sacred candle colors are red and pink.

Arrianrhod: Welsh Mother Goddess and Neo-Pagan Goddess of fertility. Her sacred candle colors are green and white.

Artemis: Greek Goddess of the Moon, hunting, and wild beasts. As a lunar Goddess, she has been an influential archetype for Witches and worshipers of the contemporary Goddess cult. She is the equivalent of the Roman Moon-goddess Diana . Artemis is identified with Hecate and Selene in Greek mythology. Her sacred candle color is white.

Asherali: Phonician Goddess of love and fertility. Her sacred candle colors are green and white.

Astarte: Greek Goddess of innocence and purity and daughter of Themis. The Goddess of justice. It is said that after leaving earth, she was placed among the stars where she became the constellation Virgo the Virgin. Her sacred candle color is white.

Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom and the arts and one of the twelve Olympians. She is identified with the Roman Goddess Minerva and Her sacred candle colors are purple and white.

Bast: Egyptian Fertility Goddess and daughter of Isis. Also known as the Lady of Light. She bestows health and symbolizes sexual passion. In ancient times, she was worshiped in the form of a cat. Later, she was envisaged as a woman with the head of a Cat. Bast is one of the most popular ancient Egyptian Goddesses in modern day Witchcraft and sex magick cults. Her sacred candle colors are red, green and white.

Benten: Japanese Buddhist love Goddess. She is also the Goddess of femininity, music, literature and the sea. Her sacred candle color is pink.

Brigit: Celtic and Neo-Pagan goddess of fire, wisdom, poetry and sacred wells and also a deity associated with prophecy, divination and healing. Her sacred candle colors are red and white.

Ce-Aehd: Celtic Goddess of Nature. Her sacred candle color is green.Ceara: Ancient Pagan goddess of Nature and feminine equivalent to the God Cearas. Her sacred candle color is green.

Centeotle: Mexican fertility goddess. Her sacred candle color is green.

Ceres: Roman Goddess of Harvest and fertility of the Earth and mother of Proserpina. In Greek Mythology, she is Demeter the Goddess of Agriculture and mother of Persephone. Her sacred candle colors are green, orange, brown and yellow.

Cerridwen: Celtic and neo-pagan Goddess of mountains, fertility and inspiration. Her sacred candle color is green.

Chloris: Greek Goddess of flowers, and equivalent of the Roman Flower-Goddess Flora. Her sacred candle colors are white and all floral colors.

Cybele: Phrygian Goddess of nature and fertility.Demeter : Greek Goddess of fertility, husbandry and harvest, mother of Persephone, and an important Deity in the mysteries of the Eleusis. She is identified with the Roman Goddess Ceres and her sacred candle colors are green and orange.Dew: Greek fertility goddess. Her sacred candle color is green.

Diana: Roman and neo-pagan moon goddess, mother goddess and virgin huntress of the moon. She is identified with the Greek Lunar Goddess Artemis and is worshiped mainly by Witches of the Dianic tradition. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Durga (also Durva): Hindu goddess and the God Shiva is her consort who was worshiped throughout India. But especially in Bengal. Durga is depicted as a ferocious ten-armed dragon-slayer, but it is said she is loving and gentle to those who worship her. Her sacred candle color is red.

Eostre: Saxon and neo-pagan Goddess of fertility and springtime whom the holiday of Easter is named after. Her sacred candle color is green.

Epona: Celtic mare goddess who sacred candle color is white.

Ereshkigal: Sumerian horned-goddess and Queen of the Underworld. She is identified with the Greek-lunar Goddess Hecate and is depicted as having the body of a fish with serpent-like scales and the ears of a sheep. Her sacred candle is black.

Esmeralda: South American Goddess of love. Her sacred candle color is emerald green.

Flora: Roman Goddess of flowers and all that flourishes. She is the equivalent of the Greek flower Goddess Chloris and her sacred candle colors are with and all floral colors.

Fortuna: Roman Goddess of happiness, good fortune and chance who possesses the power to bestow upon mortals either wealth or poverty. She is identified with the Greek Goddess Tyche, and her sacred candle colors are green, gold and silver.

Freya (also Freyja): Scandinavian Goddess of fertility, love and beauty who sacred symbols and familiars were cats. She was also Queen of the Underworld and the sister and consort of the God Frey. As a neo-pagan Goddess, she is worshiped mainly by Wiccans of the Saxon tradition. Her sacred candle colors are green, red and black.

Frigga: Scandinavian Mother Goddess and consort of the God Odin. She is also the patroness of marriage an fecundity and is represented in myth riding in a chariot drawn by sacred rams. Her sacred candle color is white.

Frija: Pagan-Germanic earth mother and consort of the God Tiwaz. The day of the week sacred to her is Friday. Her sacred candle color is brown.

Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of beauty and the heavens and patroness of fecundity, infants and music. She is often depicted as a woman with a Cow’s head, wearing the head-dress of two plumes and a solar disc decorated with stars symbolizing her role as a Sky Goddess. Her sacred candle color is blue.

Hecate: Greek Moon Goddess, neo-pagan Goddess of fertility and Moon magick, Queen of the Underworld and protectress of all Witches. She is also known as both the Goddess of Darkness and Death. She is the Queen of Ghosts and Crossroads. She is Hecate the maiden, Hecate the Mother and Hecate the Crone but in later years, She became most familiarized as the Crone. She is also known as Trivia, Goddess of the Crossroads and Antea bestower of nocturnal vision. Hecate’s sacred candle colors are black and silver.

Hera: Greek Goddess of death and rebirth, earth Goddess, and consort of the God Zeus. Her sacred candle colors are black and dark brown.

Hestia: Greek Hearth Goddess. Her sacred candle color is red.

Inanna: Sumerian Goddess of both love and war, who is identified with the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar. Her sacred candle color is red.

Ishtar: Asyrian, Babylonian and neo-pagan Goddess of love, fertility and war, who personifies the planet Venus. She was a mother goddess and the consort of Tammuz, the God of Grain an Bread who died each winter and was reborn the following spring. As a triple goddess, she represents birth, death and rebirth. In her aspect as mother, she is the giver of life. In her aspect as Warrior maiden, she is the bringer of death. In her aspect as Crone, she brings rebirth and resurrection. The crescent of the new moon rising is ne of her sacred symbols and she is depicted as a woman with bird-like facial features and braided hair, wearing a bull’s horns and jeweled necklaces, bracelets and anklets. She is associated with the Sumerian goddess Inanna and the Phoenician Goddess Astarte. Her sacred candle colors are red and green.

Isis: Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess of fertility and neo-pagan Goddess of magick and enchantment. She was the sister and consort of the sun-God Osiris, and was at times identified with the Goddess Hathor. Isis is the symbol of divine motherhood and she was regarded in her mysteries as the single form of all Gods and Goddesses. She is often called the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names and in Hellespont (now Dardanelles) She was known as Mystis, the lady of the Mysteries. Her sacred candle color is green.

Kali: Hindu death Goddess, personifying the dark and terrifying forces of nature. She is depicted as a fanged, dark-skinned warrior-like woman wearing a necklace of human skulls around her neck. Her sacred candle color is black.

Kuan Yin: Chinese Goddess of fertility, childbirth and compassion. She hears the cries of the world and just uttering her name, She appears. Her sacred colors are green and white.

Kupala: Slavic Goddess of life, sex and vitality. She is worshiped on midsummer’s day, and her sacred candle color is red.

Lucina: Roman Goddess of the Moon who is also associated with childbirth. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Luna: Roman and neo-pagan Moon Goddess whose name is Latin for Moon. She is identified with Selene and Artemis and her sacred candle colors are white and silver.

Maat: Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice and the order of the universe. Her symbol was a feather. Her sacred candle color is white.

Morrigan: Celtic War Goddess of Death and destruction and the Mother of all Irish Gods. She is said to appear in the form of a Raven (a bird of ill-omen in the Celtic tradition) before and during battles. She is also known as the "spectre queen" and "Great Queen Morgan." As a Goddess trinity, she was called Macha when she worked magick with the blood of the slain, Badb when she appeared in the form of a giantess on the eve of war t warn soldiers of their fates, and Neman when she appeared as a shape-shifting crone. Her sacred candle colors are scarlet and black.

Mut: Egyptian Goddess of fertility. Her sacred candle color is green.

Mylitta: Babylonian Goddess of fertility. Her sacred candle color is green.

Nemesis: Greek Goddess of anger and vengeance and mythological daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Her sacred candle color is red.

Ninhursag: Mesopotamian earth Goddess. Her sacred candle color is dark brown.

Nut (also Nuit): Egyptian Sky Goddess and Mother of Osiris, Isis, Set and Mephthys. Her sacred candle color is royal blue.

Parvati: Hindu Goddess of mountains and consort of the god Shiva. She is known as the ruler of Elves and nature spirits. The daughter of the Himalayas and the personification of cosmic energy. Her sacred candle colors are white and brown.

Pele: Polynesian Volcano-Goddess who is currently believed to reside in Kilauea on the main island of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, where she is worshiped as the essence of earthly fire. To this day, various offerings such as flowers, sugarcane, white birds, money and brandy are made t her whenever volcanic eruptions threaten the Hawaiian islands. Her sacred candle colors are red and orange.

Persephone: Greek Goddess known as the Queen of the Underworld. She is equivalent of the Roman Goddess Proserpina. Her sacred candle color is black.

Pomona: Roman Goddess of fruits and fertility. Her festival of Pomonalia was celebrated in ancient Rome on the first day of November to mark the End of the Harvest. Her sacred candle color is green.

Rhiannon: Celtic/Welsh Mother Goddess, originally called Rigatona (Great Queen) and identified with the Gaulish Mare Goddess Epona, as she is pictured riding astride a pale-white horse carrying a magickal bag of abundance. Her sacred candle color is white.

Sekhmet: War Goddess of Ancient Egypt. She is depicted as a woman with the head of a lion and is the Egyptian counterpart of the Hindu Goddess Shakti. Her sacred candle color is crimson.

Selene: Greek Moon Goddess. She is known as the "Full Moon" and Goddess of Enchantments. Her sacred candle colors are silver and white.

Tlazolteotl: Central American earth-Goddess associated with fertility and love. She is also known as the Mother of All Gods and her sacred candle colors are brown and green.

Venus: Roman and neo-pagan Goddess of love and beauty who personified sexuality, fertility, prosperity and good fortune. She is Roman counterpart of the Greek Love Goddess Aphrodite. Her sacred candle color is pink.

Vesta: Roman Hearth-Goddess whose temple was lit by a sacred fire tended by six virgin priestesses known as the vestal virgins. Her sacred candle color is red.

Xochiquetzal: Central-American goddess of flowers. Her sacred candle colors are white and all floral colors.

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