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A good place to come and learn from and share with like-minded Pagans and Wiccans of all Traditions.

Wiccan Rede

Friday, August 29, 2008

Spicy Harvest Soup

Blessed be.

Here is a tasty soup to serve during the harvest.



2 tbs. butter
2 medium onions, sliced
2 medium carrots, shredded
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
1 tbs. snipped fresh Itallian parsley
2 tsp. freshly grated ginger
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
4 bouillon cubes
1 cup milk
1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin
8 oz. peeled and deveined cooked shrimp


In a covered saucepan, saute in butter until limp:onions, carrots, celery, parsley, ginger, garlic, and allspice. Stir once or twice. Put mixture in a blender or food processor, add 1/2 cup of water, and puree. Return to saucepan and add the bouillon cubes, 2 cups water, milk, and pumpkin. Stir well. When hot, add the shrimp. Serve with a spoonful of sour cream or plain yogurt and some snipped chives.

Makes 3 hearty portions.



Queen Vixen said...

I will certainly have a go at that one. Homemade soups are sooooo much better than bought.

PS: Goddess Ixchel is a lovely energy to work with. Creativity! and as for the Goddess Oracle - isnt it fab? I choose a Goddess every full moon and work with her throughout the lunar period. This month its Amaterasu Goddess of Beauty.

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Blessings Queen.

Yes that soup is really good.

Yes, the Goddess Oracle deck is absolutely beautiful. I bought 2 decks--one to do readings with, and the other one I put all the cards in picture frames and I have them displayed throughout my 'special room'.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend.

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